(here is a link to a fun on-line game)
- Social Studies (History) Standard 7.3 (Analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the civilizations of China in the Middle Ages).
- Analysis Skills HI-6 (Students conduct cost-benefit analysis of economic and political issues---Public Value discussion)
- English-Language Arts
Writing 7.2.0 (Write Expository Texts)
Reading 7.2.0 (Students read and understand grade-level-appropriate material).
Ch. 7.1
Students will learn that …
1. The Period of Disunion was a time of war and disorder that followed the end of the Han dynasty.
2. China was reunified under the Sui, Tang, and Song dynasties.
3. The Age of Buddhism saw major religious changes in China.
- Period of Disunion
- Grand Canal
- Empress Wu
Ch. 7.2
Students will learn that …
1. Advances in agriculture led to increased trade and population growth.
2. Cities and trade grew during the Tang and Song dynasties.
3. The Tang and Song dynasties produced fine arts and inventions.
- porcelain
- woodblock printing
- gunpowder
- compass
Learn this song for Extra Credit this week!!!
Chinese Dynasty Song
Here's the Chinese dynasty song, to the tune of "Frere Jacques":
Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han
Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han
Sui, Tang, Song
Sui, Tang, Song
Yuan, Ming, Qing, Republic
Yuan, Ming, Qing, Republic
Mao and Deng
Mao and Deng