(here is a link to a fun on-line game)
* Review for the Ch. 7 TEST
- Social Studies (History) Standard 7.3 (Analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the civilizations of China in the Middle Ages).
- Analysis Skills HI-6 (Students conduct cost-benefit analysis of economic and political issues---Public Value discussion)
- English-Language Arts
Writing 7.2.0 (Write Expository Texts)
Reading 7.2.0 (Students read and understand grade-level-appropriate material).
Ch. 7.1
Students will learn that …
1. The Period of Disunion was a time of war and disorder that followed the end of the Han dynasty.
2. China was reunified under the Sui, Tang, and Song dynasties.
3. The Age of Buddhism saw major religious changes in China.
- Period of Disunion
- Grand Canal
- Empress Wu
Ch. 7.2
Students will learn that …
1. Advances in agriculture led to increased trade and population growth.
2. Cities and trade grew during the Tang and Song dynasties.
3. The Tang and Song dynasties produced fine arts and inventions.
- porcelain
- woodblock printing
- gunpowder
- compass
Ch. 7.3
Objectives Students will learn that …
1. Confucianism underwent changes and influenced Chinese government.
2. Scholar-officials ran China’s government during the Song dynasty.
Ch. 7. 3 Vocabulary
- bureaucracy
- civil service
- scholar-official
Ch. 7.4
Objectives Students will learn that …
1. The Mongol Empire included China, and the Mongols ruled China as the Yuan dynasty.
2. The Ming dynasty was a time of stability and prosperity.
3. China under the Ming saw great changes in its government and relations with other countries.
Ch. 7.4 Vocabulary
- Genghis Khan
- Kublai Khan
- Zheng He
- isolationalism
Students will learn that …
1. Geography shaped life in Japan.
2. Early Japanese society was organized in clans, which came to be ruled by an emperor.
3. Japan learned about language, society, and government from China and Korea.
- clans
- Shinto
- Prince Shotoku
- regent
Extra Credit: This one is for HUGE POINTS!!!
Have your family (or you) RENT MONGOL (2007) and write a one page review of the film. Here is a link to the movie: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0416044/ you can find it on Netflix or at your local video store. Since the Movie is rated R for violence; please get parent permission before you watch it. If you parents don't allow you to watch R-rated films due to violence, or other reasons, please ask and I'll get you an alternative extra credit assignment :)
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