Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ch 10 (Sections 3 & 4)

The Weekly Overview:

H/W for this week:

***Progress Reports went out LAST FRIDAY!!!***
Please sign them and have your student return them to Social Studies!

  1. Q/W #23 (done in class, turned in on Friday)
  2. READ / REVIEW p.269-281
  3. ANSWER: p.275 (#s 1-4)
  4. ANSWER: p.279 (#'s 1-4)
  5. Ch. 10 QUIZ on FRIDAY!!!


  • Ch. 10.3 INTRO
  • Copy Weekly H/W
  • Q/W #23 intro - Stone Carver
  • Cornell Notes
  • 10.3 Terms + A Monk's Daily Schedule Activity


  • Q/W -10.3 Review
  • Ch 10.3 monks vs friars
  • GOTHIC Pictures/Overview
  • Closure


  • Ch 10.4 Introduction
  • Q/W - Political Changes
  • Ch. 10.4 Key Terms / Cornell Notes
  • Europe & The Black Death (1347-1351)
  • Closure


  • Review 10.3/10.4 Terms
  • JOAN of ARC Activity!
  • Closure


  • Collect H/W & Q/Ws
  • Quiz on Ch. 10.3/10.4
  • Activity: Surprise!
  • Closure



INCLUDES 10.1/10.2/10.3/10.4 Standards


Ch. 9.2 covers HSS 7.6.2 as well as: HR 4, Writing 7.2.4c, & Reading 7.2.0

9.3 (Tues-Wed) Objectives are that:

Students will learn that …

1. Feudalism governed how knights and nobles dealt with each other.

2. Feudalism spread through much of Europe.

3. The manor system dominated Europe’s economy.

4. Towns and trade grew and helped end the feudal system.

Key Vocabulary Terms will be:

  1. knights
  2. vassal
  3. feudalism
  4. William the Conqueror
  5. manor
  6. serfs
  7. Eleanor of Aquitaine


Ch. 9.4 covers HSS 7.6.4 as well as: HR 4, Writing 7.2.4c, & Reading 7.2.0

9.4 (Thurs-Friday) Objectives are that:

Students will learn that …

1. Feudal societies shared common elements in Europe and Japan.

2. Europe and Japan differed in their cultural elements such as religion and art.

Key Vocabulary Terms will be:

  1. chivalry
  2. haiku

Ch. 10.3 INFO:

Objectives Students will learn that …

1. The Christian Church shaped society and politics in medieval Europe.

2. Orders of monks and friars did not like the church’s political nature.

3. Church leaders helped build the first universities in Europe.

4. The church influenced the arts in medieval Europe.

Vocabulary clergy, religious order, Francis of Assisi, friars, Thomas Aquinas, natural law

Ch. 10.4 INFO:

Objectives Students will learn that …

1. Magna Carta caused changes in England’s government and legal system.

2. The Hundred Years’ War led to political changes in England and France.

3. The Black Death, which swept through Europe in the Middle Ages, led to social changes.

Vocabulary Magna Carta, Parliament, Hundred Years’ War, Joan of Arc, Black Death




Students, Parents and Guardians:

Students will begin their 3 week Winter Break on Friday, December 17, 2010. During this time, the may choose to begin work on their HISTORY DAY PROJECT for 2011 due in Mid-FEBRUARY.

Here is a website that can guide you through what you can expect with regard to entries, requirements and rules.

Here's an overview of what to do:

Web Site

Everything you need to get started in linked above!

Good Luck and email with any questions to:

Dr. Simnjanovski

EXTRA CREDIT: Watch the Videos Below, Write 10-20 "Connections" You Find In the Videos to Ch. 9!!! Bring them into Dr. S.

Find the rest on by searching "The Sword In The Stone 1963 Title01 Part 5"

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