Sunday, February 24, 2008

Last Week of Trimester 2

This is the FINAL Week for Trimester TWO....Make sure you turn in ALL YOUR WORK BY WEDNESDAY!!!

This weeks outline:

  1. MONDAY (Full Day)
    1. Q/W - Daily Bellringer, review 10.4 and introduce 10.5
    2. Vocabulary for 10.5
    3. Summary and Week's Outlook
  2. TUESDAY (Full Day)
    1. 10.5 Question and Answer
      1. Page 285 1-4
      2. Section Read Thru
      3. Due at the End of Class
    2. Closure
  3. WEDNESDAY (Min Day)
    1. BINGO
      1. Vocabulary Review and Memorization of Key Terms
      2. Student opportunities to "become the teacher"
  4. THURSDAY (Min Day)
    1. Quiz Show
      1. Students Test Their Skills Against One Another In an All Out War of Information!
  5. FRIDAY (Min Day)
    1. Ch. 10 Test
    2. Vocabulary Bingo (Keep Cards)

:) The CA State Info :)


Students will learn that …

1. The church reacted to challengers by punishing people who opposed its teachings.

2. Christians fought Moors in Spain and Portugal in an effort to drive all Muslims out of Europe.

3. Jews faced discrimination across Europe in the Middle Ages.

  1. heresy
  2. Reconquista
  3. King Ferdinand
  4. Queen Isabella
  5. Spanish Inquisition


___ What You Will Learn … (SE) Preview Main Ideas, Big Idea, and Key Terms and People.

___ Academic Vocabulary (TE) Review with students the high-use academic term in this section.

___ If YOU were there … (SE) Have students read and discuss the section introduction and question.

Direct Teach

___ Teach the Big Idea Activity (TE) Students discuss the Main Idea questions, list the main people, events, and ideas covered in this section, and write a short news proclamation.

___ Main Idea Questions (TE) Standards-based discussion questions

___ Differentiating Instruction for Universal Access: ELL (TE) Map Comparison

___ Critical Thinking: Identifying Points of View (TE) Alternative Textbook Entries [ES]

___ Map: The Reconquista, 1000–1300 (SE)

___ Biography: Queen Isabella (SE)

Review & Assess

___ Close (TE) Review with students how the Christian Church and Christian rulers dealt with heretics, Moors, and Jews.

___ Section 5 Assessment (SE)

___ Quick Facts: (SE) Chapter Visual Summary


___ Daily Bellringer Transparency: Section 5
___ CRF: Vocabulary Builder, Section 5
___ Universal Access Modified Worksheets and Tests CD-ROM


___ Interactive Reader and Study Guide: Section 5
___ Map Transparency: The Reconquista, 1000–1300


___ Online Quiz Section 5
(keyword: SQ7 HP10)
___ PASS: Section Quiz 5
___ Quick Facts Transparency: The Later Middle Ages Visual Summary


Monday, February 18, 2008

Feb. 19- 22, 2008

This Week's Overview:
  1. Monday
    1. No School
  2. Tuesday (minimum day)
    1. Q/W - Daily Bellringer 10.4
    2. Vocabulary (10.4)
    3. Magna Carta
    4. Homework Introduction
    5. Closure
  3. Wednesday
    1. Joan of Arc (Film)
      1. Worksheet completed in class
      1. Responses will be reviewed (looking for >85%)
    2. Begin Vocab Art Cards
    3. Closure & Review
  4. Thursday
    1. Black Death (Film)
      1. Worksheet completed in class
      2. Responses will be reviewed (looking for >85%)
    2. Complete Vocab Art Cards
    3. Closure & Review
  5. Friday
    1. Modified 10.4 Quiz
    2. 10.5 Introduction
    3. Planning of final week prior to grades being due
  1. Quick Writes
  2. Vocab Art Cards
The Official Stuff...

Students will be learning about CA State Standards 7.6.5 & 7.6.7

Students will learn that …

1. Magna Carta caused changes in England’s government and legal system.

2. The Hundred Years’ War led to political changes in England and France.

3. The Black Death, which swept through Europe in the Middle Ages, led to social changes.


  1. Magna Carta
  2. Parliament
  3. Hundred Years’ War
  4. Joan of Arc
  5. Black Death

Lesson Information


___ What You Will Learn … (SE) Preview Main Ideas, Big Idea, and Key Terms and People.

___ Building Vocabulary (TE) Preteach the terms listed under Building Vocabulary.

___ If YOU were there … (SE) Have students read and discuss the section introduction and question.

Direct Teach

___ Teach the Big Idea Activity (TE) Students discuss the Main Idea questions, assess facts, and write an article.

___ Main Idea Questions (TE) Standards-based discussion questions

___ Collaborative Learning (TE) Student Magna Carta

___ Critical Thinking: Identifying Points of View (TE) Hundred Years’ War Newspaper Article

___ Primary Source: Magna Carta (SE)

___ Quick Facts: Beginnings of Democracy in England (SE)

___ History and Geography: The Black Death (SE)

Review & Assess

___ Close (TE) Guide students in a review of Magna Carta, the Hundred Years’ War, and the Black Death.

___ Section 4 Assessment (SE)


___ Daily Bellringer Transparency: Section 4

___ CRF: Vocabulary Builder, Section 4

___ Universal Access Modified Worksheets and Tests CD-ROM

___ Interactive Reader and Study Guide: Section 4

___ CRF: History and Geography: The Black Death

___ CRF: Primary Source: The Black Death Strikes Sicily

___ Online Quiz Section 4 (keyword: SQ7 HP10)

___ PASS: Section Quiz 4

Monday, February 11, 2008

Feb. 12 -15, 2008

7th Grade Social Studies
Mr. S's Class

Chapter 10 - Section 3
California Standards
HSS: 7.6.8

Online Quiz Section 3 (TRY CLICKING HERE!)
(Password to get in is: SQ7 HP10)

Students will learn that …

1. The Christian Church shaped society and politics in medieval Europe.

2. Orders of monks and friars did not like the church’s political nature.

3. Church leaders helped build the first universities in Europe.

4. The church influenced the arts in medieval Europe.

  1. clergy
  2. religious order
  3. Francis of Assisi
  4. friars
  5. Thomas Aquinas
  6. natural law


___ What You Will Learn … (SE) Preview Main Ideas, Big Idea, and Key Terms and People.
___ Building Vocabulary (TE) Preteach the terms listed under Building Vocabulary.
___If YOU were there …
(SE) Have students read and discuss the section introduction and question.

Direct Teach

___ Teach the Big Idea Activity (TE) Students discuss the Main Idea questions, create cluster diagrams, and write a one-page summary of the section.
___ Main Idea Questions (TE) Standards-based discussion questions
___ Differentiating Instruction for Universal Access: Learners Having Difficulty (TE) The
Canterbury Tales [RS]
___ Cross-Discipline Activity: English-Language Arts (TE) Visiting
Cluny Monastery
___ Collaborative Learning (TE) Monks and Friars Venn Diagram
___ Collaborative Learning (TE) Medieval Universities
___ Critical Thinking: Analyzing Information (TE) Historical Marker
___ Biography: Saint Francis of
Assisi (SE)
___ Linking to Today: School Days (SE)
___ Biography: Saint Thomas Aquinas (SE)

Review & Assess

___ Close (TE) Guide students in a discussion of the church’s role in medieval society.
___ Section 3 Assessment (SE)

Resources for this Week

___ Daily Bellringer Transparency: Section 3
___ CRF: Vocabulary Builder, Section 3
___ Universal Access Modified Worksheets and Tests CD-ROM
___ Interactive Reader and Study Guide: Section 3
___ CRF: Literature: Guinevere and the Round Table
___ CRF: Biography: Christine de Pisan
___ Online Quiz Section 3 (keyword: SQ7 HP10)
___ PASS: Section Quiz 3

Key: SE = Student Edition
= Teacher’s Edition
= Chapter Resource File
ES = Exceeding Standards
PASS = Progress Assessment Support System
= Reaching Standards

This Weeks Overview


  1. Bellringer (10-3)
  2. New Vocabulary
  3. Monks Daily Life Introduction
  4. Homework


  1. Vocabulary Builder 10.3
  2. Venn Diagram (272 T.E. Monks v Friars)
  3. Linking to Today (Extra Credit Activity (ECA))


  1. In Class 10.3 Quiz, Open Book, Open note
    1. To be graded in class
  2. Slides of Gothic Art (Mr. S's Trip to Germany)
  3. Art Critiques


  1. Gothic Art Film
  2. Questions and Answers
  3. Completion of film responses of AT LEAST 85% correct
  4. Homework Due (See below)

  • Quick Writes/Bellringer
  • Read 269-285
  • P. 275 (1-4)
  • P. 268 (1-3) DONE IN CLASS LAST WEEK

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Feb. 4 - Feb 8

Chapter 10
The Later Middle Ages

H/W Posting on FMSHISTORY on Tuesday!

Objectives (7.6.4)
Students will learn that …

1. Popes and Kings ruled Europe as spiritual and political leaders.

2. Popes fought for power, leading to a permanent split within the church.

3. Kings and popes clashed over some issues.

  1. excommunicate
  2. Pope Gregory VII
  3. Emperor Henry IV


___ What You Will Learn … (SE) Preview Main Ideas, Big Idea, and Key Terms and People.
___ Academic Vocabulary (TE) Review with students the high-use academic term in this section.
____ If YOU were there …
(SE) Have students read and discuss the section introduction and question.

Direct Teach

___ Teach the Big Idea Activity (TE) Students discuss the Main Idea questions, create an outline, and write a brief newspaper article.
___ Main Idea Questions (TE) Standards-based discussion questions
___ Critical Thinking: Comparing and Contrasting (TE) Mapping Change
___ Differentiating Instruction for Universal Access: Special Education Students (TE) Political Signs [RS]
___ Differentiating Instruction for Universal Access: Advanced Learners/GATE (TE) Schism Debate [ES]
___ Map: Europe, 1000 (SE)
Primary Source: Views of Power (SE)

Review & Assess

___ Close (TE) Have students briefly trace the events that led to the growing power of kings and popes in medieval Europe.
Section 1 Assessment (SE)


___ Daily Bellringer Transparency: Section 1
___ CRF: Vocabulary Builder, Section 1
___ Universal Access Modified Worksheets and Tests CD-ROM
___ Interactive Reader and Study Guide: Section 1
____ Map transparency:
Europe, 1000
___ Online Quiz Section 1
(keyword: SQ7 HP10)

___ PASS: Section Quiz 1



  1. Q/W's
  2. Page 263 #'s 1-3
  3. 10-1 Take Home Quiz
  4. Read Chapter 10, sections 1 & 2


  1. Bellringer - Q/W
  2. Vocab
  3. JigSaw
  4. Closure


  1. 10-1 Review Page
  2. Vocab Builder
  3. Popes vs Kings
    1. Teams
      1. Pros v Cons
  4. Take Home Quiz


  1. Bellringer for 10-2
  2. Vocab for 10-2
  3. Crusades Film
  4. Closure 10 questions on the film...discussion


  1. Notes on the Crusades (Picture Notes)
  2. Break out and Read/Comprehend
  3. Cause & Effect


  1. Turn in H/W
  2. Quiz on Ch. 10 Section 1 & 2
  3. P. 268 #'s 1-4
  4. Closure