Sunday, March 30, 2008

March 31 to April 4, 2008

Chapter 11 Section 3
CA Standards
7.8.4, 7.8.5


Homework this week is DUE THURSDAY

Homework is:
  1. Page 317: #'s 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3a, & 3b
  2. Quick Writes
  3. Workbooks (in class)
Week Overview

  1. Ch. 11 Section 3 Vocabulary
  2. Section Introduction
  3. Reading and Response
  1. Vocabulary Builder
  2. Quiz review/scores
  3. Key Terms
  4. Test Prep
  1. Short film on Don Quixote
  2. Discussion & analysis
  3. Page Description
  1. Quiz Show
  1. Ch. 11 Test
The CA State Stuff :)

Students will learn that …

1. Paper, printing, and new universities led to the spread of new ideas.

2. The ideas of the Northern Renaissance differed from those of the Italian Renaissance.

3. Literature beyond Italy also thrived in the Renaissance.

Johann Gutenberg
Christian humanism
Desiderius Erasmus
Albrecht Dürer
Miguel de Cervantes
William Shakespeare


___ What You Will Learn … (SE) Preview Main Ideas, Big Idea, and Key Terms and People.
___ Building Vocabulary (TE) Preteach the terms listed under Building Vocabulary.
____ If YOU were there …
(SE) Have students read and discuss the section introduction and question.

Direct Teach

___ Teach the Big Idea Activity (TE) Students discuss the Main Idea questions and create a chart listing various individuals of the Renaissance.
___ Main Idea Questions (TE) Standards-based discussion questions
___ Differentiating Instruction for Universal Access: Learners Having Difficulty (TE) Printing Project [RS]
___ Critical Thinking: Finding Main Ideas (TE) Art Gallery Advertisement
___ Critical Thinking: Sequencing (TE) Time Line Comparing Renaissances
___ Critical Thinking: Comparing and Contrasting (TE) Don Quixote versus Man of la Mancha [ES]
___ Biography: William Shakespeare (SE)
___ Literature in History: Romeo and Juliet (SE)


___ Close (TE) Ask students if they would rather have lived in the Middle Ages or the Renaissance and to explain their choices.
___ Section 3 Assessment (SE)
___ Quick Facts: (SE) Chapter Visual Summary

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Welcome Back

This is the start of your Final Trimester!

On Monday the 24th of March students will:

  1. Be organized into a new seating chart
  2. Be introduced into the Renaissance
  3. Learn 4 key terms
    1. Marco Polo
    2. Interest
    3. Cosimo de Medici
    4. Renaissance
  4. Students will complete an activity where they are bankers and must charge 'guests/patrons' interest for borrowing money
  5. Students will summarize what they've learned by a group discussion.
The remainder of the week will be posted Tuesday Evening

Welcome back again!

Mr. S.