Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ch. 14 The Early Americas (TEST FRI)

*If you missed a day, make sure to speak to Mrs. Weber!!!


Ch. 14 The Early Americas with Ms. Maye!!!!

12,000 BC to AD 1,000 Covering the MAYAN civilization

California Standards

HSS: 7.7.1, 7.7.3 (sections 1 & 2)

Objectives (SECTION 1)
Students will learn that …

1. The geography of the Americas is varied with a wide range of landforms.

2. The first people to arrive in the Americas were hunter-gatherers.

3. The development of farming led to early settlements in the Americas.

Objectives (SECTION 2)
Students will learn that …

1. Geography affected early Maya civilization.

2. The Maya Classic Age was characterized by great cities, trade, and warfare.

3. Maya civilization declined, and historians have several theories as to why.

Vocabulary (section 1)

  1. Mesoamerica
  2. maize
Vocabulary (section 2)
  1. obsidian
  2. Pacal
Check out this sweet video! There are a bunch in the series, here is the first one to get you hooked!

If we can get there....we will begin Section 3 and Test by FRIDAY!!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ch. 13 TEST WEEK!!!!

Monday April 19, 2010 (intro to 13.3)

  1. Attendance
  2. Copy Work (student work due Friday)
    1. *Assignments will be completed/started in class, assignments not completed will be due as H/W
  3. Q/W (#28): (Almost always open book)
    1. Students read page 364 (“if you were there”) and write a 1 paragraph response

i. After writing, students read responses

  1. Students locate and copy VOCAB TERMS for chapter 13.3
    1. Terms are on Page 364
    2. Students CAN use these terms on Quizzes
  2. Class Reading Discussion
    1. Read Through Pages 364-369 and discuss “Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes (pronounced ‘de-Kart’)”

i. Have students read out the text and discuss it

ii. Ask “what does this mean” or “how can we say this another way”

1. Try to include EVERYONE!

  1. If time allows, have students begin peeking into ch. 13.3 (page 366) & the 6 Principles/Steps of the Scientific Method
    1. Try to memorize these!

Tuesday April 20, 2010 (MIN DAY) (13.3 cont)

  1. Q/W: Have students answer this question:
    1. What are the six BASIC STEPS in the Scientific Method *(no books or notes)
  2. Focused Vocab Term Activity (ON your Q/Ws)
    1. Video on Galileo & his Trial
    2. TASK:

1. FIND 10 similarities between Galileo & the person you choose

2. Write these similarities on your Q/W


ii. Have students watch the video

iii. Have students compare (working with a partner) Galileo & “Someone Else” in history…e.g. Martin Luther, Joan of Arc…etc

iv. STUDENTS CAN use the book

v. If students are working, having fun and not disruptive they can continue to work on these for the remainder of the period

Wednesday April 21, 2010 (13.3)

  1. Q/W: Students are to complete Page 369 # 4 on their Q/W
    1. Discuss

  1. Section 3 Assessment
    1. Page 369 #’s 1-3

i. On separate pieces of paper / in COMPLETE sentences

    1. Periodically stop them and have students read out their answers…there will be variation…that’s a good thing
  1. If time allows, try to answer page 373 (1-7)

Thursday April 22, 2010 (13.3 cont.)

  1. Q/W
    1. Students answer Page 371 (1-7)

i. Only the Word is required (e.g…)

1. Theory

2. Rationalists….

  2. If time allows, begin reviewing for their test on FRIDAY!

Friday April 23, 2010 (13.1 – 13.3)

  1. Q/W
    1. Students must Select ONE of the persons discussed in Ch. 13.3 and explain

i. What they know about the person &

ii. Why they selected them

  1. Collect Student Work
    1. Students must turn in the following assignments from this week
    2. Q/W #28
    3. Page 369
  2. Ch. 13 TEST (I’ll provide during the week)

i. Students will complete the Ch 13 Test with OPEN NOTES, OPEN VOCAB, but CLOSED BOOKS!!!!

ii. When students finish have them begin reading ch. 13 (page 384…)


o Q/W #28

o Page 369

o Class Participation

*CH. 13 TEST*

Next Week…

Ch. 14 The Early Americas! 12,000 BC to AD 1,000 Coving the MAYAN civilization

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ch 13 (sections 1 & 2)

Welcome to the Scientific Revolution!

Beginning this week Mr. Simnjanovski will be taking over as the Administrative Designee (in the position of Vice Principal). Dr. Annous will be out for a bit recovering from back surgery and Mrs. Agosto will be filling in for him. Mr. S. will be stepping out of the classroom and into the VP position for a few weeks until Dr. Annous returns. But don't worry, Mr. S. will be creating the lesson plans and will be periodically stopping by to check on you and your progress! Feel free to visit him in the office.

Here is what is going on for this week:

MONDAY: (13.1)
  • Ch. 13.1 Intro
  • Key Terms

TUESDAY: (13.1)
  • Q/W
  • Vocab Art Card

  • Q/W
  • Key Terms
  • Venn Diagrams

THURSDAY: (13.2)
  • Q/W (Team Activity)
  • Team 1: Copernicus
  • Team 2: Brahe & Kepler
  • Team 3: Galileo
  • Team 4: Newton
  • Work on 13.2 Questions

  • Q/W
  • Submit H/W -- Q/Ws///Vocab Card///13.1 &13.2 questions
  • 13.1 & 13.2 Quiz

CHAPTER 13 Quiz & Test Help!!! CLICK ME and use the password below at the BOTTOM LEFT of the screen that pops up! It will take you to a FREE online CH. 13 "helper!"

The secret password is: SQ7HP13

Sunday, April 4, 2010


This week is TEST WEEK - Be ready for a TEST on Chapter 12!!!

Here are the objectives for this week:

Students will learn that…
1. Religious division occurred within Europe and the Americas.
2. Religious wars broke out between Protestants and Catholics.
3. Social changes were a result of the Reformation.

Here are the Key Terms for this week (in addition to 12.1 & 12.2 terms):
  1. Huguenots
  2. Edict of Nantes
  3. Thirty Years’ War
  4. congregation
  5. federalism
We will cover

California Standards

HSS: 7.9.3, 7.9.4

Here's what this week will "look like:"

  • Intro to Ch. 12.3
  • Q/W #26
  • Key Terms
  • 12.3 Reading Activity
  • Min Day*
  • Q/W (use key terms)
  • Team Rotation Activity
  • Q/W
  • Quiz Show
  • Q/W
  • Ch. 12 TEST
  • Turn in H/W
H/W for this week is:

  1. Q/W #26
  2. Ch. 12.3 Questions 1-4
  3. Ch. 12 Test THURSDAY!!!

CHAPTER 12 Test Help!!! CLICK ME and use the password below at the BOTTOM LEFT of the screen that pops up! It will take you to a FREE online CH. 12 "helper!"

The secret password is: SQ7HP12