Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Week 3 Day 4 Thursday (Ch. 2 Sect 2).

Chapter 2 Section 2

Objectives: Students will learn that…

Many problems threatened the Roman Empire, leading one emperor to divide it in half,
Barbarians invaded Rome in the 300s and 400s, and

Many factors contributed to Rome’s fall…

Students success and understanding will be based on a mastery of the knowledge for responses to questions created by their peers from the previous day. Students will work on the assignment individually, responses will be graded in class. An 80% success/correct rate will be required.

Vocabulary (NEW – Review today)

Diocletian, Constantine, Clovis, Attila, corruption (page 30-35)

California Standard(s)HSS: 7.1.2. Students analyze the causes and effects of the vast expansion and ultimate disintegration of the Roman Empire.

Discuss the geographic borders of the empire at its height and the factors that threatened its territorial cohesion.


1) Anticipatory Set: Quick Write Dioceltian versus Constantine Debate
-Tables will be required to ‘defend’ one side…the class will be spilt to pro and con division empires…they will write and then debate

2) Modeling: Students will be required to prepare an “opening statement” for their sides…The instructor will show an example of the following
-An Opening Statement
-A Primary Argument
-A Secondary Argument
-A Defense
-A Closing
3) Guided: Students will work in teams to generate appropriate arguments, defenses and ‘attacks’…the instructor will observe and offer suggestions.
4) Independent: Students will begin a debate of Dioceltian versus Constantine
5) Closure: Students will have “closing arguments” that will be assisted by the instructor that will connect to the standards as well as the primary text(s).

* If Time Allows We WILL Introduce Ch. 2 Sect 3 Vocabulary*

1) Signed Progress Report
2) Quick Writes
3) Vocab Art Cards
4) Chapter 2 Section 1 Assessment P. 29 (1-4)

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